

New catalysts to convert methane into methanol
CNR-IOM leads a study on innovative and sustainable materials to transform methane into methanol, a valuable fuel in the energy transition process as well as a molecule widely used in the chemical industry. The methodology is described in the international scientific journal “Small”.
Operando X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy reveals different Hydrogen dissociation pathways on model Cu:CeO2 and Fe:CeO2 surfaces
The doping of metal oxides is a valuable route to increase catalyst activity and lower activation temperatures in H2 dissociation to replace Pt in catalysts for electrochemical devices. In this study, we observed that Cu doping promotes CeO2 reduction, while the addition of Fe seems to have a limited impact on the oxide chemical reactivity only at low temperatures.
Pump-probe photoemission photographs optical quenching of magnetization in iron as a thermal process
The research team of Sprint laboratory at CNR-IOM in Trieste revealed the prevailing thermal nature of light-induced ultrafast demagnetization in the regime of low perturbation, by means of pump-probe photoemission spectroscopy. Despite similar findings were evidenced in previous research, up to now few works had employed photoemission spectroscopy, which allows a direct insight on the electronic temperature and on the magnetic moment at the Fermi level during the ultrafast process.
Formation and Etching of the Insulating Sr-Rich V5+ Phase at the Metallic SrVO3 Surface Revealed by operando XAS Spectroscopy Characterizations
SrVO3 (SVO) transparent conductive oxide (TCO) thin film, both visible-range optically transparent and highly conductive, shows great potential as a viable alternative to standard ITO (indium tin oxide) in various applications. In this study, our researchers investigated the surface stability of SVO under different gaseous atmospheres, particularly water, using spectroscopy characterizations such as x-ray photoemission (XPS) and operando ambient pressure x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. Their findings reveal the formation of a few nanometer-thick insulating Sr-rich V5+ layer on the surface of the SVO film over time. To restore the TCO properties, this work demonstrates for the very first time that this undesired phase can be effectively removed through a water etching process, which is successful in both liquid and vapor forms.
Multitechnique investigation on Hydrogen Production Mechanism in Low-Temperature Methanol Decomposition Catalyzed by Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compound
The combination of operando/in situ X-Ray spectroscopies and DFT calculations allowed to clarify the role of SnOx surface content in NixSny intermetallic compounds in enhancing their selectivity to H2 during catalytic methanol decomposition reaction.
Multiferroic Heterostructures: changes in magnetism regulated by photostriction
Measurements at the APE-HE beamline of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste have helped to determine spectroscopically the magnetic changes of Ni thin film due to light induced photostriction in PMN-PT ferroelectric substrate.
Multi-functional “quantum detergent” for spintronic applications
An international team of researchers led by the National Research Council (CNR), IOM institute in Trieste, Italy, and the Departments of Chemistry at Princeton University, Louisiana State University and Rutgers University in United States, in a joint venture between theorists, experimentalists and sample growers across chemistry and physics, used advanced characterization tools and chemically selective X-ray spectroscopies to study the magnetic and electronic properties of EuSn2P2, a magnetic topological insulator composed of Europium, Tin, and Phosphorus arranged in a layer-by-layer crystalline structure.
Observation of Magnetoelectric Coupling at the Ni/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Interface
Multiferroic materials with coexisting ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders have attracted much attention due to the magnetoelectric (ME) coupling opening prospects for alternative multifunctional electronic devices. Switching magnetization by applied electric rather than magnetic field or spin-polarized current requires much less energy, making multiferroics promising for memory and logic applications. Due to a limited number of single-phase multiferroic compounds operating at room temperature, composite multiferroics containing ferroelectric and ferromagnetic components have been considered as viable alternatives. Moreover, it was shown that composite multiferroic materials often have much larger magnetoelectric coupling effect compared to their single-phase counterparts.
Kitkaite: From Kitka River to Spintronic Applications
ARPES and Spin-ARPES measurements within NFFA Trieste facility allowed to establish that the mineral kitkaite (NiTeSe) originating from the Kitka river area in Finland, hosts type II Dirac Fermions and spin polarized topological surface states with implementation potential in novel photonics, spintronics, and optoelectronics devices.
From Russia With Love: The First Topological Metal with Termination-Dependent Surface Band Structure and Strong Spin Polarization
Combined STM/S and ARPES and Spin-ARPES measurements within NFFA Trieste allowed to correlate the two distinct electronic band structures measured on Pt3Te4 to two distinct surface terminations, both characterized by strongly spin-polarized states. This renders mitrofanovite a candidate material for tunable device functionalities in nanoelectronics, spintronics, optoelectronics, and plasmonic applications.
Electronic Properties of Ti Sites in Ziegler–Natta Catalysts
Ziegler−Natta (ZN) catalysts are at the main responsible for polyolefin production, affording at present almost 80 million tons of polypropylene per year, with a worldwide economic turnover exceeding 100 billion dollars. However, a true understanding of their properties at the molecular level is still missing. In particular, there is a lack of knowledge on the electronic properties of Ti sites.
Quantitative Ultrafast Electron-Temperature Dynamics in Photo-Excited gold Nanoparticles by transient Photoemission Spectroscopy
Transient Photoemission Spectroscopy at SPRINT @ NFFA-Trieste allowed quantitative, model-free measurement of the ultrafast electron-temperature dynamics of photoexcited plasmonic gold nanoparticles.
Tuning the magnetic properties of V2O3 / CoFeB heterostructures across the V2O3 structural transition
Effects of the V2O3 structural phase transition on the magnetic properties of an amorphous magnetic thin film of CoFeB in contact with it. By means of temperature dependent Kerr effect characterizations, in this paper is proven that crossing the V2O3 structural phase transition induces reproducible and reversible changes to CoFeB magnetic properties, especially to its coercive field.
Microstructural anisotropy arises upon annealing in ferromagnetic Gr/Co/Ir systems
A fine analysis of local structure and magnetic response of Co films intercalated between Graphene and Iridium (Gr/Co/Ir systems) has revealed how the response of such systems to annealing depends on the Co thickness.
Stabilization by Configurational Entropy of the Cu(II) Active Site during CO Oxidation on Mg0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Cu0.2Zn0.2O
The interesting mechanisms of CO oxidation on the novel Mg0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Cu0.2Zn0.2O high entropy oxide were studied by means of operando soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy at APE-HE beamline.
Proximity-induced ferromagnetism and chemical reactivity in few-layer VSe2 heterostructures
The combination of XAS, XMCD and PES measurements showed the role of interfacial magnetic coupling at Fe/VSe2 interface and its chemical reactivity.
Spin-resolved ARPES experiments on in-situ transferred Bi2Se3 thin films grown by PLD
Spin-resolved ARPES experiments on topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films have been performed at the NFFA-APE facility of IOM-CNR and Elettra (Trieste). Films have been grown by the PLD facility and in-situ transferred to the analysis UHV chambers. Our results demonstrate that the topological surface state can be obtained in PLD-grown Bi2Se3 thin films.
Layer-dependent quantum cooperation of electron and hole states in the anomalous semimetal WTe2
Followed by the discovery of remarkable electronic and physical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene and topological insulators, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), long of interest in material science, have received a renewed attention.



FAIR data and artificial intelligence in the digitalisation of European scientific research

An interesting article on Scienza in Rete signed by our coordinator, Prof Giorgio Rossi, and Anna Bertelli, which provides an overview of the digitalisation of research in Europe and the role of institutions.

Call for applications for Faculty-Student teams to spend 2 months at LAAMP's participating advanced light sources

The successful applicants will spend two (2) months during Calendar Year 2025 at LAAAMP’s AdLS Collaborative Partners to acquire expertise in accelerator technology or AdLS beamline techniques, including those involving crystallography.

ESFRI Landscape analysis 2024

ESFRI Landscape Analysis provides an overview of the European Research Infrastructure (RI) ecosystem, identifying key RIs and their global positioning.

50 Norwegian university students visiting CNR-IOM and Elettra


Call for abstracts: workshop Multimessenger Approach to out-of-equilibrium DYnamics in Complex Systems

MADYCS Workshop will be held on 17-19 April in Trieste

Announcement of PhD defense

PhD thesis: Time-resolved probing of magneto-elastic excitations in magnetic materials by Pietro Carrara

Happy holidays from NFFA-Trieste!

2023 almost archived, with good work done and new ideas developed for the next year. May 2024 be peaceful, satisfactory and overall enjoyable. Thanks for the effective and friendly collaboration !

NFFA on Europhysics News

An article was dedicated to NFFA in the new issue of Europhysics News, the magazine of the European Physical Society.

Italian EOSC Tripartite Event

The "Italian Tripartite Assembly on the European Open Science Cloud" (ITAEOSC2023) will be held in Rome on 5 June, promoted by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). Some fundamental aspects necessary to foster research excellence and its creative and innovative potential for society will be addressed.

Open PhD position at the NFFA APE-HE Beamline

A PhD research position has been opened by the University of Trieste, on the topic of magnetic properties of multiferroic heterostructures, at the NFFA-Trieste facility.

Senior PostDoc position in Electron Microscopy

A call for a Senior PostDoc position in "Nanostructural characterization by TEM of materials relevant to the circular economy" is open at the IOM institute in Trieste, Italy.

Candidates for a Infrastructure Manager position within NFFA-DI project

CNR-IOM is looking for expressions of interest for a two-year position.

Trieste Next: Open science, open community, open access: science without borders

Our coordinator, Prof. Giorgio Rossi, will talk about open science in a Trieste Next event on Friday 23 September 2022 at 21:00.

Trieste Next: Tales from open access labs

On Thursday 22 September 2022 from 18:00 to 19:30 the event "Tales from open access labs" will be held at the Revoltella Museum, as part of the Trieste Next 2022 scientific research festival

NFFA-Europe on "Il Sole 24 Ore"

An article presenting the NFFA-Europe research infrastructure has been published on July 11 on the major Italian financial newspaper.

Open post graduate position

Position for graduate student for “Nanostructural characterization by transmission electron microscopy of materials relevant for energy and catalysis"

Operando soft XAS workshop

On July 4 and 5, the event "Operando soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: application and perspectives" was held in the center of Trieste. A total of 19 talks and 30 participants from 5 European countries, all researchers active in the XAS field, to establish the state of the art and imagine the future directions of this method.

University of Milano graduate programme 2022-2025

The PhD School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics at the University of Milano offers fourteen (14) scholarships for its three-year graduate program. Four (4) additional scholarships on specific themes are also available.

NFFA-Europe MoU signed by 10 leading European Research Organizations

The robustness of NFFA-Europe and the uniqueness of the offered service led to the signing of a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ten leading research organizations, with the aim of promptly establishing a roadmap for expansion and for long-term operation.

Home-made heater for flag style sample holders: technical drawings available


Dual-PLD system technical drawings available


Season's Greetings from NFFA-Trieste

Best wishes for the season's holidays and for a 2022 with novel bright ideas for the recovery and resilience of Italian science!

Transient Grating now available for NFFA-Trieste users

The technique is located in our SPRINT laboratory and can now be selected on NFFA-Trieste catalogue..

Transmission Electron Microscopy now available for NFFA-Trieste users

NFFA-Trieste users will now be able to integrate the use of TEM and STEM techniques into their research projects.

Institutional visit by the president of CNR

On 29 November, the president of the National Research Council Maria Chiara Carrozza made an institutional visit to the scientific bodies hosted by Area Science Park in the Basovizza campus in Trieste.

Changes to the login system to NFFA Datashare platform

Effective from November 29, 2021

Call for the development of fundamental research activities under the Italian Science Fund

Research projects can be presented from 26 October to 27 December.

The new dual-PLD system is operational

The second PLD chamber has been installed and is available to NFFA-Trieste users.

Webinar: Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission on topological materials

Electronic Structure (EST), IOP Publishing’s journal dedicated to electronic structure research, is hosting a free webinar on Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission in topological materials.

Italian National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR)

The Italian government has published the National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR) 2021-2027. It defines and updates national priorities on research infrastructures for the coming years.

GenOA week for Open Science


Two open positions as UniMI researcher

Two public competition have been published for the assignment of two researcher positions with fixed-term contract at the Physics Department of the University of Milan for activities related to NFFA-Trieste. DEADLINE: 19-10-2021.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2021, the Italian Giorgio Parisi also among the winners

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics goes one half to Syukuro Manabe and Klauss Hasselmann and the other half to Giorgio Parisi, "for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems".

Meet our experts at Trieste Next


Free-to-use technical drawings catalogue

Take a look to NFFA-Trieste online catalogue of free-to-use design data, technical drawings, blueprints and specifications of advanced instrumentation for nanoscience.

New ambient pressure chamber


Nanosciences at the service of the green economy


ERC says goodbye to Impact Factor to evaluate candidates

On July 14th, ERC has published its new plan for Horizon Europe and it has announced the formal endorsement of DORA, abandoning the usage of the Impact Factor in the evaluation of the Curricula of candidates. This is an important step on the way to Open Science.

Institutional visit @ NFFA


Radio interview


New dual-PLD system

A second PLD chamber has been fully assembled and will be connected to the first one through a UHV transfer system.

Italy's strategic plans for research and innovation

Read the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the National Research Program 2021-2027.

NFFA-Europe @ EuroNanoForum 2021

NFFA-Europe is part of the EuroNanoForum 2021 and EuroNanoForum Satellite Workshop. The conference will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity.

Possible candidates for a job position at the LISA beamline at ESRF

The LISA beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is looking for expressions of interest for a one-year research grant (renewable) from potential candidates.

SINFONIA project kick-off

The interdisciplinary research project SINFONIA (Selectively activated INFOrmation technology by hybrid Organic Interfaces) has started on 1st April. Its goal is the development of a technology that allows the storage and transport of information at the nanoscale and at operating frequencies in the THz (terahertz) regime.

Italian Research Day


ICTP Workshop on 2D Materials for Spin-Orbitronics

The mini workshop will take place on 3-5 May 2021. It will cover selected spin-orbit phenomena in low-dimensional materials, comprising their potential and concrete realizations for spin-orbitronics, mostly from the computational-materials perspective, but including also experimental view and results.

XAS Workshop @ Diamond

Online workshop intended for new users of Diamond spectroscopy beamlines with a basic understanding of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS).

Open Position - PhD

New open PhD position @ APE-HE beamline

NFFA-Europe PILOT kick-off

Kick-off of the NFFA-Europe PILOT project, funded by the European Union with fifteen million euros, for a period of five years. The project, coordinated by the Istituto officina dei materiali of the National Research Council (Cnr-Iom), involves twenty-two partners from nine Member States of the European Union and aims to increasing European competitiveness in nanosciences and nanotechnologies.

The new CNR-IOM website is online

The CNR-IOM (Istituto Officina dei Materiali - Materials Foundry) website reflects the mission of the Institute and the organization of research activities, with a brand new logo and an innovative visual identity.

Open postdoc position at the LISA beamline at ESRF

A post doc position at the Italian beamLine for x-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (Linea Italiana per la Spettroscopia d'Assorbimento x) in Grenoble

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, an occasion to recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology and promote equal opportunities.

Dario Nobili Award Call - Year 2021

The CNR-IMM Institute of Bologna announces the publication of the third edition of the Study Award in honor and in memory of Prof. Dario Nobili.

Follow NFFA-Trieste on social media!

Finally we landed on social media, follow us to stay updated on news and latest publications.

European Open Science Cloud - Interview to Giorgio Rossi

The European Open Science Cloud is entering an operational phase: Giorgio Rossi, coordinator of NFFA-Trieste and representative for Italy in the EOSC Governing Board, takes stock of the Italian contribution and the next steps in an interview for GARR News.

New FTIR analysis facility for NFFA-Trieste users

From today, 22 December 2020, NFFA-Trieste users will be able to request the use of the FTIR technique for their multidisciplinary projects.

Happy Holidays from NFFA-Trieste


NFFA-Europe as a pilot for new schemes of Research Infrastructure

NFFA-Europe next Spring will become PILOT for new schemes of Research Infrastructure: NEP (NFFA-Europe-Pilot).

NFFA-Trieste reaches 100 publications

Since 2015, 100 scientific articles have been published thanks to NFFA-Trieste instrumentation and experts.

New post-doc positions

Two new post-doc positions at CNR-IOM are opened

Great success for NFFA maze on nanotechnology @ Maker Faire

More than 500 players to NFFA game “In the labyrinth of nanotechnology” in Trieste

NFFA at Maker Faire

On Semptember 4 and 5 NFFA will be in the main square of Trieste for a maze game on nanotechnology.

Public consultation for the MIUR National research program

The public consultation for the National research program (PNR) 2021-2027 was launched by MIUR and will end on 11 September next.

#NFFA gems: Vacuum suitcases

NFFA-Trieste provides users with three vacuum suitcases designed in collaboration with Ferrovac for the transport of samples between the different experimental chambers.

Interview - Piero Torelli

Il Piccolo, the main daily newspaper in Trieste, dedicated a short article to one of our NFFA-Trieste experts, Piero Torelli.

Final Version of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines on Data Sharing

Under public health emergencies, and particularly the COVID19 pandemic, it is fundamental that data is shared in both a timely and an accurate manner. This coupled with the harmonisation of the many diverse data infrastructures is, now more than ever, imperative to share preliminary data and results early and often. It is clear that open research data is a key component to pandemic preparedness and response.

WEBINAR: How to move from FAIR principles to FAIR practice?

During the past year, the FAIR practice task force under the umbrella of the EOSC FAIR Working Group has been gathering its understanding of the current state of FAIR practices across diverse communities, and making recommendations aimed primarily at research funders and policymakers on how to ensure that “FAIR” provides maximum value in the European Open Science Cloud.

Ensuring the long-term sustainability of EU Research Infrastructures

The European Commission published the final report of the High-Level Expert Group to Assess the Progress of ESFRI and Other World Class Research Infrastructures Towards Implementation and Long-Term Sustainability.

Welcome to our new website!

We are proud to present the new NFFA-Trieste website! We have updated the look and some features, to make it easier and more intuitive to consult our nanosciences tool catalogue.

6 PhD projects available at CNR-IOM - Trieste

Six PhD projects are available at the Institute of Materials (IOM) of the National research Council, starting from November 2020. The fellowships are awarded by the University of Trieste and by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), and are part of the PhD programs in Nanotechnology and Condensed-Matter Physics, respectively.

NFFA-Trieste operation in phase 2 of the COVID-19 pandemics

In the Phase 2 of the COVID-19 pandemics the activity of the NFFA-Trieste facility will be resumed with capacity limits due to the safety rules and social distancing of the researchers around the instruments.

NFFA-Europe at COVID-19 time

As an exceptional research effort is needed on SARS-CoV-2 and on COVID-19, NFFA-Europe offers the opportunity of submitting COVID-track proposals. Researchers from all over the world have the possibility to require Remote Transnational Access to NFFA-Europe facilities for any directly relevant research that may need nanoscience resources.

Scienta analyzer for APE-HE

APE-HE endstation replaced the analyzer for XPS characterisation, upgrading to the first Scienta R3000 analyzer installed with the 2D Delay Line Detector developed by the Electromagnetism Group of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste.

Glovebox for NFFA-Trieste users

A state-of-the-art nitrogen glove box to prepare and store air- and water sensitive materials.

Data school time! - First steps towards quality Open Data in scientific research

The First EUSMI / NFFA Europe Joint School on Data Management, organized by CNR-IOM as part of the EUSMI and NFFA-Europe projects, has just ended. The event, attended by 56 participants, was hosted in the spaces of the ICTP Campus in Miramare on 10 and 11 December. The main topics were Open Data and FAIR principles for data management, concepts of growing interest for the new class of researchers.

1st EUSMI/NFFA-Europe Joint School on Data management

1st EUSMI/NFFA-Europe Joint School on Data management, taking place on 10-11 December 2019 in Trieste, Italy. Location: Former SISSA building, Via Beirut 2/4, 34151, Grignano TS

New laser-based facility for NFFA-Trieste

The novel NFFA-SPRINT facility (Spin Polarized Research Instrument in the Nanoscale and Time domain) is located in a new dedicated hutch-suite in the FERMI@Elettra hall, and has been developed in collaboration between IOM-CNR and T-Rex (Elettra) laboratories.

Workshop on Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments (COEX) 23-24/09/2017 in Trieste (Italy)

The Workshop on Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments (COEX) will take place 23-24 September 2017 at in Trieste (Italy).

Workshop on Time-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Trieste Italy, January 25-27, 2017

The NFFA-Trieste and T-Rex Facilities of Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste and IOM-CNR are proud to announce the first International Workshop on Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy.

Workshop on Technologically relevant Quantum Materials: growth, experiments and theory in Trieste Italy, December 19-20, 2016

Workshop on Technologically relevant Quantum Materials: growth, experiments and theory will be held in Trieste Italy, December 19-20, 2016.

Neutron Scattering facilities in Europe - ESFRI, PSE SWG

European Landscape of Research Infrastructures: Neutron scattering facilities in Europe - Present status and future perspectives.

NOXSS-Workshop on The Free Electron Laser for Ultrafast Imaging at the Nanoscale in Erice Italy, June 5-10, 2016

NOXSS - Workshop on The Free Electron Laser for Ultrafast Imaging at the Nanoscale will be held in Erice, Sicily, ITALY, June 5-10, 2016.

NFFA-Europe Kick off meeting

The NFFA-Europe Kick-off meeting will be held in Milan (Italy) on 11-12 April 2016.

The ESFRI Roadmap 2016 -launch

The ESFRI Roadmap 2016 has been presented and is now available.

NFFA Europe - Proposal submission is NOW OPEN

NFFA Europe - Proposal submission is NOW OPEN in the

New light source for NFFA

The novel NFFA-SPRINT facility (Spin Polarized Research Instrument in the Nanoscale and Time domain) is located in a new dedicated hutch-suite in the FERMI@Elettra hall hosting the NFFA-SPRINT (CNR) and T-Rex (Elettra) laboratories.

Ultraspin completes first step of commissioning

The Ultraspin project is moving to the next step as the first commissioning phase has come to its conclusion.

Season's greetings


Workshop on Imaging with Femtosecond Electrons and X-ray pulses - IFEXS

1st International Workshop on Imaging with Femtosecond Electrons and X-ray pulses (IFEXS) will be held in Trieste Italy, February 1-3 2016.

The first user project - completed

On November 21st 2015, the first USER project within the NFFA-Trieste demonstrator has been successfully completed.

ARPES with a new VLEED detector

Spin and angle-resolved ARPES spectra were measured for Au(111) with a new VLEED detector at APE LE beamline.

MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program

MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program application is opened. The dead line is 16th November 2016.

New Chair ESFRI - Prof. Giorgio Rossi

Our warmest congratulations to Giorgio Rossi!

NFFA Europe - Grant Agreement was signed by Coordinator. (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015)


NFFA technology products

Biderectional UHV sample transfer systems

Characterization of the new HE grating

The diffraction efficiency of the new VGD VLS grating (900l/mm) was measured along the VGD profile, at Metrology beamline at SOLEIL for the photon energy range between 100eV and 1600eV. The measured results are presented below, compared to the calculation.

Interview with Prof. Giorgio Rossi -GSO

GLOBAL RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES (GSO) interview with Giorgio Rossi, present Chairman of GSO and Deputy Chairman of ESFRI.