Italian National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR)
The PNIR, attached to the decree of the Minister of University and Research Maria Cristina Messa, is an integral part of the PNR (National Research Program, published at the end of 2020), and provides strategic guidance for policies related to the crucial issue of Research Infrastructures and aims to provide greater detail on the technical-strategic level, defining and updating national priorities.
Research infrastructures - the facilities, resources and related services used by the scientific community to carry out high-level research in their respective sectors - are one of the fundamental tools for researchers, from the fields of particle physics to those of life science.
Research infrastructures are, in fact, decisive for our ability to make scientific progress and promote innovation and are increasingly becoming the fulcrum of future investments, both public and private, as well as enabling factors for the conduct of excellent scientific research. to achieve the most challenging objectives set on a European and national level.
The PNIR, therefore, identifies the priority research infrastructures for Italy by adopting, for this purpose, European methods and criteria, and provides the possibility to systematize what is already present in our country system. The ability to involve all potentially interested parties, from the scientific communities to the private sector to the various institutions, will be decisive in the coming years, even more so in view of the start of the new European cohesion policy and the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. , as well as the opportunities offered by the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Framework Program.
Here is the document (in Italian):
National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR)