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ACS Nano, 18, 32, 21052–21060, (2024)
Self-Stacked 1T-1H Layers in 6R-NbSeTe and the Emergence of Charge and Magnetic Correlations Due to Ligand Disorder
S.K. Mahatha, J. Phillips, J. Corral-Sertal, D. Subires, A. Korshunov, A. Kar, J. Buck, F. Diekmann, G. Garbarino, Y.P. Ivanov, A. Chuvilin, D. Mondal, I. Vobornik, A. Bosak, K. Rossnagel, V. Pardo, A.O. Fumega, and S. Blanco-Canosa
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Phys. Rev. Lett. , 132, 266401, (2024)
Spin-Dependent 𝜋⁢𝜋* Gap in Graphene on a Magnetic Substrate
P. M. Sheverdyaeva, G. Bihlmayer, E. Cappelluti, D. Pacilé, F. Mazzola, N. Atodiresei, M. Jugovac, I. Grimaldi, G. Contini, Asish K. Kundu, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Moras, C. Carbone, and L. Ferrari
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Nano Lett., 24(25):7601-7608, (2024)
Uncovering the Lowest Thickness Limit for Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Cr1.6Te2
S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, A. Jana, D. Dagur, G. Vinai, F. Motti, J. Fujii, M. Mezhoud, U. Lüders, V. Polewczyk, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, C. Bigi, Y. Hwang, T. Olsen, P. Orgiani, F. Mazzola
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2D Mater., 11, 035025, (2024)
Interplay of altermagnetism and weak ferromagnetism in two-dimensional RuF4
M. Milivojević, M. Orozović, S. Picozzi, M. Gmitra, and S. Stavrić
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 216701, (2024)
Coherent and Dissipative Coupling in a Magnetomechanical System
P. Carrara, M. Brioschi, R. Silvani, A. O. Adeyeye, G. Panaccione, G. Gubbiotti, G. Rossi, and R. Cucini
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npj Quantum Mater., 9, 36, (2024)
Charge transfer and spin-valley locking in 4Hb-TaS2
A. Almoalem, R. Gofman, Y. Nitzav, I. Mangel, I. Feldman, J. Koo, F. Mazzola, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, J. Sanchez-Barriga, O.J. Clark, N. Clark Plumb, M. Shi, B. Yan & A. Kanigel
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Phys. Rev. B, 109, 064411, (2024)
Relevance of thermal disorder in the electronic and spin ultrafast dynamics of iron in the low-perturbation regime
G.M. Pierantozzi, A. De Vita, R. Cucini, A.M. Finardi, T. Pincelli, F. Sirotti, J. Fujii, C. Dri, G. Brajnik, R. Sergo, G. Cautero, G. Panaccione, and G. Rossi
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Nature, 626, 752–758, (2024)
Signatures of a surface spin–orbital chiral metal
F. Mazzola, W. Brzezicki, M.T. Mercaldo, A. Guarino, C. Bigi, J.A. Miwa, D. De Fazio, A. Crepaldi, J. Fujii, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, G. Panaccione, A. Jana, V. Polewczyk, I. Vobornik, C. Kim, F. Miletto-Granozio, R. Fittipaldi, C. Ortix, M. Cuoco & A. Vecchione
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NFFA Thesis
University of Milan PhD Thesis, (2024)
Time-Resolved Probing of Magneto-Elastic Excitations in Magnetic Materials
P. Carrara (Supervisors: G. Rossi, R. Cucini)
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Commun. Mater., 4, 103, (2023)
Dynamics and resilience of the unconventional charge density wave in ScV6Sn6 bilayer kagome metal
M. Tuniz, A. Consiglio, D. Puntel, C. Bigi, S. Enzner, G. Pokharel, P. Orgiani, W. Bronsch, F. Parmigiani, V. Polewczyk, P.D.C. King, J.W. Wells, I. Zeljkovic, P. Carrara, G. Rossi, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, S.D. Wilson, R. Thomale, T. Wehling, G. Sangiovanni, G. Panaccione, F. Cilento, D. Di Sante & F. Mazzola
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Phys. Rev. B, 108, 054419, (2023)
Covalency, correlations, and interlayer interactions governing the magnetic and electronic structure of Mn3Si2Te6
C. Bigi, L. Qiao, C. Liu, P. Barone, M. Ciomaga Hatnean, G.-R. Siemann, B. Achinuq, D.A. Mayoh, G. Vinai, V. Polewczyk, D. Dagur, F. Mazzola, P. Bencok, T. Hesjedal, G. van der Laan, W. Ren, G. Balakrishnan, S. Picozzi, and P.D.C. King
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Nano Lett., 23, 14, 6277–6283, (2023)
Giant and Tunable Out-of-Plane Spin Polarization of Topological Antimonene
P.M. Sheverdyaeva, C. Hogan, G. Bihlmayer, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, M. Jugovac, A.K. Kundu, S. Gardonio, Z.R. Benher, G. Di Santo, S. Gonzalez, L. Petaccia, C. Carbone, and P. Moras
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Commun. Mater., 4, 47, (2023)
Dirac nodal arc in 1T-VSe2
T. Yilmaz, X. Jiang, D. Lu, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, A.V. Matetskiy, P. Moras, F. Mazzola, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, K. Evans-Lutterodt & E. Vescovo
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Nat. Phys., 19, 1135–1142, (2023)
Flat band separation and robust spin Berry curvature in bilayer kagome metals
D. Di Sante, C. Bigi, P. Eck, S. Enzner, A. Consiglio, G. Pokharel, P. Carrara, P. Orgiani, V. Polewczyk, J. Fujii, P.D.C. King, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, I. Zeljkovic, S.D. Wilson, R. Thomale, G. Sangiovanni, G. Panaccione & F. Mazzola
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Rev. Sci. Instr., 94, 033903, (2023)
Dual pulsed laser deposition system for the growth of complex materials and heterostructures
P. Orgiani, S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, F. Mazzola, A. Jana, S. Dolabella, P. Rajak, M. Ferrara, D. Benedetti, A. Fondacaro, F. Salvador, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, and G. Rossi
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Phys. Rev. B, 107, 085406, (2023)
Observation of highly anisotropic bulk dispersion and spin-polarized topological surface states in CoTe2
A. Chakraborty, J. Fujii, C.-N. Kuo, C.S. Lue, A. Politano, I. Vobornik, and A. Agarwal
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Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2201337, (2022)
Visible Light Effects on Photostrictive/Magnetostrictive PMN-PT/Ni Heterostructure
D. Dagur, V. Polewczyk, A.Y. Petrov, P. Carrara, M. Brioschi, S. Fiori, R. Cucini, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, P. Torelli, G. Vinai
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Phys. Rev. Applied, 18, 044009, (2022)
All-Optical Generation and Time-Resolved Polarimetry of Magnetoacoustic Resonances via Transient Grating Spectroscopy
P. Carrara, M. Brioschi, E. Longo, D. Dagur, V. Polewczyk, G. Vinai, R. Mantovan, M. Fanciulli, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and R. Cucini
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Nano Lett., (2022)
Disentangling Structural and Electronic Properties in V2O3 Thin Films: A Genuine Nonsymmetry Breaking Mott Transition
F. Mazzola, S.K. Chaluvadi, V. Polewczyk, D. Mondal, J. Fujii, P. Rajak, M. Islam, R. Ciancio, L. Barba, M. Fabrizio, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, and I. Vobornik
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Phys. Rev. B, 106, 035156, (2022)
Microscopic origin of magnetism in monolayer 3d transition metal dihalides
K. Riedl, D. Amoroso, S. Backes, A. Razpopov, T.P.T. Nguyen, K. Yamauchi, P. Barone, S.M. Winter, S. Picozzi, and R. Valentí
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J. Appl. Phys., 131, 215703, (2022)
Toward machine learning for microscopic mechanisms: A formula search for crystal structure stability based on atomic properties
U. Gajera, L. Storchi, D. Amoroso, F. Delodovici and S. Picozzi
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 128 (17), 177202, (2022)
Curved Magnetism in CrI3
A. Edstrom, D. Amoroso, S. Picozzi, P. Barone, M. Stengel
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Adv. Sci., 2105114, (2022)
Evidence of a 2D Electron Gas in a Single-Unit-Cell of Anatase TiO2 (001)
A. Troglia, C. Bigi, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, D. Knez, R. Ciancio, G. Dražić, M. Fuchs, D. Di Sante, G. Sangiovanni, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, G. Panaccione
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Nature, 602, 601–605, (2022)
Evidence for a single-layer van der Waals multiferroic
Q. Song, C.A. Occhialini, E. Ergeçen, B. Ilyas, D. Amoroso, P. Barone, J. Kapeghian, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A.S. Botana, S. Picozzi, N. Gedik & R. Comin
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Nanomaterials, 12(3), 558, (2022)
Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction with Bulk and Nanostructured Mitrofanovite Pt3Te4
G. D’Olimpio, L. Zhang, C.-N. Kuo, D. Farias, L. Ottaviano, C.S. Lue, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, A. Agarwal, P. Torelli, D.W. Boukhvalov, A. Politano
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Appl. Surf. Sci., 574, 151608, (2022)
Metal to insulator transition at the surface of V2O3 thin films: An in-situ view
M. Caputo, J. Jandke, E. Cappelli, S.K. Chaluvadi, E. Bonini Guedes, M. Naamneh, G. Vinai, J. Fujii, P. Torelli, I. Vobornik, A. Goldoni, P. Orgiani, F. Baumberger, M. Radovic, G. Panaccione
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PNAS, 119(4), e2116575119, (2022)
Evidence of magnetism-induced topological protection in the axion insulator candidate EuSn2P2
G.M. Pierantozzi, A. De Vita, C. Bigi, X. Gui, H.-J. Tien, D. Mondal, F. Mazzola, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, G. Vinai, A. Sala, C. Africh, T.-L. Lee, G. Rossi, T.-R. Chang, W. Xie, R.J. Cava and G. Panaccione
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ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 4, 1, 259–268, (2022)
Ferromagnetism and Rashba Spin–Orbit Coupling in the Two-Dimensional (V,Pt)Se2 Alloy
E. Vélez-Fort, A. Hallal, R. Sant, T. Guillet, K. Abdukayumov, A. Marty, C. Vergnaud, J.-F. Jacquot, D. Jalabert, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, J. Rault, N.B. Brookes, D. Longo, P. Ohresser, A. Ouerghi, J.-Y. Veuillen, P. Mallet, H. Boukari, H. Okuno, M. Chshiev, F. Bonell, and M. Jamet
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 247204, (2021)
Giant Biquadratic Exchange in 2D Magnets and Its Role in Stabilizing Ferromagnetism of NiCl2 Monolayers
J.Y. Ni, X.Y. Li, D. Amoroso, X. He, J.S. Feng, E.J. Kan, S. Picozzi, and H.J. Xiang
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Phys. Rev. B, 104, 155122, (2021)
Origin of large magnetoresistance in the topological nonsymmorphic semimetal TaSe3
G. Gatti, D. Gosálbez-Martínez, Q.S. Wu, J. Hu, S.N. Zhang, G. Autès, M. Puppin, D. Bugini, H. Berger, L. Moreschini, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, J.-P. Ansermet, O.V. Yazyev, and A. Crepaldi
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Adv. Quantum Technol., 4, 2170103, (2021)
Back Cover: Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTe
K. Pandey, D. Mondal, J.W. Villanova, J. Roll, R. Basnet, A. Wegner, G. Acharya, M.R.U. Nabi, B. Ghosh, J. Fujii, J. Wang, B. Da, A. Agarwal, I. Vobornik, A. Politano, S. Barraza-Lopez, J. Hu
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 5, 104403, (2021)
Identification of hidden orbital contributions in the La0.65Sr0.35MnO3 valence band
F. Offi, K. Yamauchi, S. Picozzi, V. Lollobrigida, A. Verna, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, A. Regoutz, D. J. Payne, A. Petrov, G. Vinai, G. M. Pierantozzi, T. Pincelli, G. Panaccione, and F. Borgatti
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Adv. Funct. Mater., 2106101, (2021)
Kitkaite NiTeSe, an Ambient-Stable Layered Dirac Semimetal with Low-Energy Type-II Fermions with Application Capabilities in Spintronics and Optoelectronics
I. Vobornik, A.B. Sarkar, L. Zhang, D.W. Boukhvalov, B. Ghosh, L. Piliai, C.-N. Kuo, D. Mondal, J. Fujii, C.S. Lue, M. Vorokhta, H. Xing, L. Wang, A. Agarwal, A. Politano
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ACS Nano, 15, 9, 14786–14793, (2021)
Mitrofanovite Pt3Te4: A Topological Metal with Termination-Dependent Surface Band Structure and Strong Spin Polarization
J. Fujii, B. Ghosh, I. Vobornik, A.B. Sarkar, D. Mondal, C.-N. Kuo, F.C. Bocquet, L. Zhang, D.W. Boukhvalov, C.S. Lue, A. Agarwal, and A. Politano
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J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 35, 8627–8636, (2021)
Unveiling the Mechanisms Ruling the Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction with Mitrofanovite Pt3Te4
D.W. Boukhvalov, J. Cheng, G. D’Olimpio, F.C. Bocquet, C.-N. Kuo, A. Bari Sarkar, B. Ghosh, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, K. Hsu, L.-M. Wang, O. Azulay, G. Nath Daptary, D. Naveh, C. Shan Lue, M. Vorokhta, A. Agarwal, L. Zhang, and A. Politano
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PNAS, 118, (33), e2108617118, (2021)
Moving Dirac nodes by chemical substitution
N. Nilforoushan, M. Casula, A. Amaricci, M. Caputo, J. Caillaux, L. Khalil, E. Papalazarou, P. Simon, L. Perfetti, I. Vobornik, P.K. Das, J. Fujii, A. Barinov, D. Santos-Cottin, Y. Klein, M. Fabrizio, A. Gauzzi, and M. Marsi
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Adv. Quantum Technol., 4, 2100063, (2021)
Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTe
K. Pandey, D. Mondal, J.W. Villanova, J. Roll, R. Basnet, A. Wegner, G. Acharya, M.R.U. Nabi, B. Ghosh, J. Fujii, J. Wang, B. Da, A. Agarwal, I. Vobornik, A. Politano, S. Barraza-Lopez, J. Hu
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Nanomaterials, 11, 1873, (2021)
Interplay between single-ion and two-ion anisotropies in frustrated 2d semiconductors and tuning of magnetic structures topology
D. Amoroso, P. Barone, S. Picozzi
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Phys. Rev. B, 104, 014414, (2021)
Electric-field tuning of the magnetic properties of bilayer VI3: A first-principles study
T.P.T. Nguyen, K. Yamauchi, T. Oguchi, D. Amoroso, and S. Picozzi​
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J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 14430–14437, (2021)
Evidence of Robust Half-Metallicity in Strained Manganite Films
G.M. Pierantozzi, G. Vinai, A.Y. Petrov, A. De Vita, F. Motti, V. Polewczyk, D. Mondal, T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, C. Bigi, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Torelli, F. Offi, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and F. Borgatti
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Phys. Rev. B, 103, 245142, (2021)
Measuring spin-polarized electronic states of quantum materials: 2H−NbSe2
C. Bigi, F. Mazzola, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, and G. Rossi
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J. Appl. Phys., 129, 235109, (2021)
Observation of the critical state to multiple-type Dirac semimetal phases in KMgBi
D.F. Liu, L.Y. Wei, C.C. Le, H.Y. Wang, X. Zhang, N. Kumar, C. Shekhar, N.B.M. Schröter, Y.W. Li, D. Pei, L.X. Xu, P. Dudin, T.K. Kim, C. Cacho, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, M.X. Wang, L.X. Yang, Z.K. Liu, Y.F. Guo, J.P. Hu, C. Felser, S.S.P. Parkin, and Y.L. Chen
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Small, 17, 2100050, (2021)
Quantitative Ultrafast Electron-Temperature Dynamics in Photo-Excited Au Nanoparticles
M. Sygletou, S. Benedetti, M. Ferrera, G.M. Pierantozzi, R. Cucini, G. Della Valle, P. Carrara, A. De Vita, A. di Bona, P. Torelli, D. Catone, Gi. Panaccione, M. Canepa, F. Bisio
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J. Phys. Mater., 4, 032001, (2021)
Pulsed laser deposition of oxide and metallic thin films by means of Nd:YAG laser source operating at its 1st harmonics: recent approaches and advances
S.K. Chaluvadi, D. Mondal, C. Bigi, D. Knez, P. Rajak, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani
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Appl. Phys. Lett., 118, 121602, (2021)
Narrowing of d bands of FeCo layers intercalated under graphene
D. Pacilè, C. Cardoso, G. Avvisati, I. Vobornik, C. Mariani, D.A. Leon, P. Bonfà, D. Varsano, A. Ferretti, and M.G. Betti
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Commun. Phys., 4, 54, (2021)
Hidden bulk and surface effects in the spinpolarization of the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe
G. Gatti, D. Gosálbez-Martínez, S. Roth, M. Fanciulli, M. Zacchigna, M. Kalläne, K. Rossnagel, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, A. Magrez, H. Berger, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, O.V. Yazyev, M. Grioni, A. Crepaldi
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Nat. Commun., 12, 1584, (2021)
High-frequency rectifiers based on type-II Dirac fermions
L. Zhang, Z. Chen, K. Zhang, L. Wang, H. Xu, L. Han, W. Guo, Y. Yang, C.-N. Kuo, C.S. Lue, D. Mondal, J. Fuji, I. Vobornik, B. Ghosh, A. Agarwal, H. Xing, X. Chen, A. Politano, W. Lu
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Chem. Rev., 121, 5, 2816–2856, (2021)
Angle, Spin, and Depth Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Quantum Materials
P.D.C. King, S. Picozzi, R.G. Egdell, G. Panaccione
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Coatings, 11, 276, (2021)
Direct-ARPES and STM Investigation of FeSe Thin Film Growth by Nd:YAG Laser
S.K. Chaluvadi, D. Mondal, C. Bigi, J. Fujii, R. Adhikari, R. Ciancio, A. Bonanni, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, I. Vobornik and P. Orgiani
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J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, 245, 147016, (2020)
Predominance of z(2)-orbitals at the surface of both hole- and electron-doped manganites
C. Bigi, S.K. Chaluvadi, A. Galdi, L. Maritato, C. Aruta, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, B. Gobaut, P. Torelli, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 216402, (2020)
Radial Spin Texture of the Weyl Fermions in Chiral Tellurium
G. Gatti, D. Gosálbez-Martínez, S.S. Tsirkin, M. Fanciulli, M. Puppin, S. Polishchuk, S. Moser, L. Testa, E. Martino, S. Roth, P. Bugnon, L. Moreschini, A. Bostwick, C. Jozwiak, E. Rotenberg, G. Di Santo, L. Petaccia, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, J. Wong, D. Jariwala, H.A. Atwater, H.M. Rønnow, M. Chergui, O.V. Yazyev, M. Grioni, A. Crepaldi
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Nat. Commun., 11, 5784, (2020)
Spontaneous skyrmionic lattice from anisotropic symmetric exchange in a Ni-halide monolayer
D. Amoroso, P. Barone, S. Picozzi
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Phys. Rev. Mater., 4, 084603, (2020)
Insight into the electronic structure of semiconducting ε−GaSe and ε−InSe
S.V. Eremeev, M. Papagno, I. Grimaldi, O. De Luca, L. Ferrari, A.K. Kundu, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, G. Avvisati, A. Crepaldi, H. Berger, I. Vobornik, M.G. Betti, M. Grioni, C. Carbone, E.V. Chulkov, and D. Pacilé
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Coatings, 10, 780, (2020)
Analysis of Metal-Insulator Crossover in Strained SrRuO3 Thin Films by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
A. Nardi, C. Bigi, S.K. Chaluvadi, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi and P. Orgiani
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J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 17783–17794, (2020)
Ga2Se3 Nanowires via Au-Assisted Heterovalent Exchange Reaction on GaAs
F. Berto, N. Haghighian, K. Ferfolja, S. Gardonio, M. Fanetti, F. Martelli, V. Mussi, V.G. Dubrovskii, I.V. Shtrom, A. Franciosi, and S. Rubini
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Phys. Rev. B, 101, 205125, (2020)
Direct observation of the energy gain underpinning ferromagnetic superexchange in the electronic structure of CrGeTe3
M.D. Watson, I. Marković, F. Mazzola, A. Rajan, E.A. Morales, D.M. Burn, T. Hesjedal, G. van der Laan, S. Mukherjee, T.K. Kim, C. Bigi, I. Vobornik, M.C. Hatnean, G. Balakrishnan and P.D.C. King
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Phys. Rev. Applied, 13, 044011, (2020)
Tuning the Optical Absorption of Anatase Thin Films Across the Visible-To-Near-Infrared Spectral Region
P. Orgiani, A. Perucchi, D. Knez, R. Ciancio, C. Bigi, S.K. Chaluvadi, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, S. Lupi, and P. Di Pietro
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J. Phys. Soc. JPN, 89, 044711, (2020)
Electronic Structure of Yb(Ni1−xCox)3Ga9 Studied by Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Y. Utsumi, D. Mondal, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, S. Nakamura, D. Matković-Čalogović, and S. Ohara
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 4, 025801, (2020)
Distinct behavior of localized and delocalized carriers in anatase TiO2 (001) during reaction with O2
C. Bigi, Z. Tang, G.M. Pierantozzi, P. Orgiani, P. K. Das, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, T. Pincelli, A. Troglia, T.-L. Lee, R. Ciancio, G. Drazic, A. Verdini, A. Regoutz, P.D.C. King, D. Biswas, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and A. Selloni
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 4, 025006, (2020)
Direct insight into the band structure of SrNbO3
C. Bigi, P. Orgiani, J. Slawinska, J. Fujii, J.T. Irvine, S. Picozzi, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, D. Payne, and F. Borgatti
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Struct. Dyn., 7, 014303, (2020)
Coherent narrowband light source for ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy in the 17–31 eV photon energy range
R. Cucini, T. Pincelli, G. Panaccione, D. Kopic, F. Frassetto, P. Miotti, G.M. Pierantozzi, S. Peli, A. Fondacaro, A. De Luisa, A. De Vita, P. Carrara, D. Krizmancic, D.T. Payne, F. Salvador, A. Sterzi, L. Poletto, F. Parmigiani, G. Rossi, and F. Cilento
NFFA Thesis
University of Milan Master's Degree Thesis, (2020)
Characterization of a High Harmonics Generation source for spectroscopic pump-probe experiments and first results on Fe(100)/MgO surface
P. Carrara (Supervisors: G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, R. Cucini)
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Nat. Commun., 10, 5485, (2019)
Weyl-like points from band inversions of spin-polarised surface states in NbGeSb
I. Marković, C.A. Hooley, O.J. Clark, F. Mazzola, M.D. Watson, J.M. Riley, K. Volckaert, K. Underwood, M.S. Dyer, P.A.E. Murgatroyd, K.J. Murphy, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, S. Wu, T. Okuda, J. Alaria and P.D.C. King
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 195134, (2019)
Observation of bulk states and spin-polarized topological surface states in transitionmetal dichalcogenide Dirac semimetal candidate NiTe2
B. Ghosh, D. Mondal, C.-N. Kuo, C.S. Lue, J. Nayak, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, A. Politano, and A. Agarwal
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 174423, (2019)
Detecting antiferromagnetism in tetragonal Cr2O3 by electrical measurements
M. Asa, C. Autieri, C. Barone, C. Mauro, S. Picozzi, S. Pagano, and M. Cantoni
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 121104, (2019)
Surface states and Rashba-type spin polarization in antiferromagnetic MnBi2Te4(0001)
R.C. Vidal, H. Bentmann, T.R.F. Peixoto, A. Zeugner, S. Moser, C.-H. Min, S. Schatz, K. Kißner, M. Ünzelmann, C.I. Fornari, H.B. Vasili, M. Valvidares, K. Sakamoto, D. Mondal, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, S. Jung, C. Cacho, T.K. Kim, R.J. Koch, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, J.D. Denlinger, E. Rotenberg, J. Buck, M. Hoesch, F. Diekmann, S. Rohlf, M. Kalläne, K. Rossnagel, M.M. Otrokov, E.V. Chulkov, M. Ruck, A. Isaeva, and F. Reinert
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 115109, (2019)
Electronic correlation determining correlated plasmons in Sb-doped Bi2Se3
P.K. Das, T.J. Whitcher, M. Yang, X. Chi, Y.P. Feng, W. Lin, J.S. Chen, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, K.A. Kokh, O.E. Tereshchenko, C.Z. Diao, J. Moon, S. Oh, A.H. Castro-Neto, M.B.H. Breese, A.T.S. Wee, and A. Rusydi
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 045118, (2019)
Transient quantum isolation and critical behavior in the magnetization dynamics of half-metallic manganites
T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, A. Verna, F. Borgatti, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, H. Osawa, T.-L. Lee, C. Schlueter, S. Günther, C.H. Back, M. Dell’Angela, R. Ciprian, P. Orgiani, A. Petrov, F. Sirotti, V.A. Dediu, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, Y. Tanaka, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, J. Fujii, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
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Eur. Phys. J Spec. Top., 228, 733–739, (2019)
Study of the surface properties of NCCO electron-doped cuprate
A. Guarino, P. Romano, J. Fujii, A. Ruosi, F. Avitabile, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, A. Vecchione and A. Nigro
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Phys. Rev. B, 99, 214427, (2019)
Possible emergence of a skyrmion phase in ferroelectric GaMo4S8
H. Zhang, J. Chen, P. Barone, K. Yamauchi, S. Dong, and S. Picozzi
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Appl. Surf. Sci., 473, 190-193, (2019)
Robustness of topological states in Bi2Se3 thin film grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition on (0 0 1)-oriented SrTiO3 perovskite
C. Bigi, P. Orgiani, A. Nardi, A. Troglia, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi
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Electron. Struct., 1, 014003, (2019)
Electronic properties of candidate type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2. A review perspective
P.K. Das, D. Di Sante, F. Cilento, C. Bigi, D. Kopic, D. Soranzio, A. Sterzi, J.A. Krieger, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, T. Okuda, V.N. Strocov, M.B.H. Breese, F. Parmigiani, G. Rossi, S. Picozzi, R. Thomale, G. Sangiovanni, R.J. Cava, and G. Panaccione
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Electron. Struct., 1, 014002, (2019)
A general route to form topologically-protected surface and bulk Dirac fermions along high-symmetry lines
O.J. Clark, F. Mazzola, I. Marković, J.M. Riley, J. Feng, B.-J. Yang, K. Sumida, T. Okuda, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, T.K. Kim, K. Okawa, T. Sasagawa, M.S. Bahramy and P.D.C. King
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Phys. Rev. B, 99, 075306, (2019)
Fe/GeTe(111) heterostructures as an avenue towards spintronics based on ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors
J. Sławińska, D. Di Sante, S. Varotto, C. Rinaldi, R. Bertacco, and S. Picozzi
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Phys. Status Solidi-RRL, 12, 1800341, (2018)
Deep Insight Into the Electronic Structure of Ternary Topological Insulators: A Comparative Study of PbBi4Te7 and PbBi6Te10
D. Pacilè, S.V. Eremeev, M. Caputo, M. Pisarra, O. De Luca, I. Grimaldi, J. Fujii, Z.S. Aliev, M.B. Babanly, I. Vobornik, R.G. Agostino, A. Goldoni, E.V. Chulkov, M. Papagno
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 076401, (2018)
Influence of Spin-Orbit Coupling in Iron-Based Superconductors
R.P. Day, G. Levy, M. Michiardi, B. Zwartsenberg, M. Zonno, F. Ji, E. Razzoli, F. Boschini, S. Chi, R. Liang, P.K. Das, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, W.N. Hardy, D.A. Bonn, I.S. Elfimov, and A. Damascelli
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 2(6), 065001, (2018)
Role of Spin-Orbit Coupling in the Electronic Structure of IrO2
P. K. Das, J. Sławińska, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, A. Regoutz, J.M. Kahk, D.O. Scanlon, B.J. Morgan, C. McGuinness, E. Plekhanov, D. Di Sante, Y.-S. Huang, R.-S. Chen, G. Rossi, S. Picozzi, W.R. Branford, G. Panaccione, and D.J. Payne
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 054101, (2018)
A reaction cell for ambient pressure soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
C. Castán-Guerrero, D. Krizmancic, V. Bonanni, R. Edla, A. Deluisa, F. Salvador, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and P. Torelli
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Ambient pressure XAS @ APE-HE
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2D Mater., 5, 035012, (2018)
Epitaxial growth of single-orientation high-quality MoS2 monolayers
H. Bana, E. Travaglia, L. Bignardi, P. Lacovig, C.E. Sanders, M. Dendzik, M. Michiardi, M. Bianchi, D. Lizzit, F. Presel, D. De Angelis, N. Apostol, P.K. Das, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, R. Larciprete, A. Baraldi, P. Hofmann and S. Lizzit
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J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 10, 2510, (2018)
Switching from Reactant to Substrate Engineering in the Selective Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons
N. Merino-Díez, J. Lobo-Checa, P. Nita, A. Garcia-Lekue, A. Basagni, G. Vasseur, F. Tiso, F. Sedona, P.K. Das, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, M. Sambi, J.I. Pascual, J.E. Ortega, D.G. de Oteyza
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 156403, (2018)
Band Structure of the IV-VI Black Phosphorus Analog and Thermoelectric SnSe
I. Pletikosić, F. von Rohr, P. Pervan, P.K. Das, I. Vobornik, R.J. Cava, and T. Valla
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 156401, (2018)
Fermiology and Superconductivity of Topological Surface States in PdTe2
O.J. Clark, M.J. Neat, K. Okawa, L. Bawden, I. Marković, F. Mazzola, J. Feng, V. Sunko, J. M. Riley, W. Meevasana, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, T.K. Kim, M. Hoesch, T. Sasagawa, P. Wahl, M.S. Bahramy, and P.D.C. King
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OSA Technical Digest, paper EW2B.5, (2018)
A Novel High Order Harmonic Source for Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Experiments
P. Miotti, F. Cilento, R. Cucini, A. De Luisa, A. Fondacaro, F. Frassetto, D. Kopić, D. Payne, A. Sterzi, T. Pincelli, G. Panaccione, F. Parmigiani, G. Rossi, and L. Poletto
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 2, 033401, (2018)
Interdiffusion-driven synthesis of tetragonal chromium (III) oxide on BaTiO3
M. Asa, G. Vinai, J.L. Hart, C. Autieri, C. Rinaldi, P. Torelli, G. Panaccione, M.L. Taheri, S. Picozzi, and M. Cantoni
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Langmuir, 34, 3604-3609, (2018)
Opposite Surface and Bulk Solvatochromic Effects in a Molecular Spin-Crossover Compound Revealed by Ambient Pressure X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
F. Borgatti, P. Torelli, M. Brucale, D. Gentili, G. Panaccione, C. Castan-Guerrero, B. Schäfer, M. Ruben and M. Cavallini
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Small, 14, 1704321, (2018)
Functionalized Graphdiyne Nanowires: On‐Surface Synthesis and Assessment of Band Structure, Flexibility, and Information Storage Potential
F. Klappenberger, R. Hellwig, P. Du, T. Paintner, M. Uphoff, L. Zhang T. Lin, B.A. Moghanaki, M. Paszkiewicz, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, O. Fuhr, Y.‐Q. Zhang, F. Allegretti, M. Ruben, J.V. Barth
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Nano Lett., 18, 5, 2751–2758, (2018)
Ferroelectric Control of the Spin Texture in GeTe
C. Rinaldi , S. Varotto, M. Asa, J. Sławińska, J. Fujii, G. Vinai, S. Cecchi, D. Di Sante, R. Calarco, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, S. Picozzi, R. Bertacco
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Phys. Rev. B, 96, 241408, (2017)
Enhanced ultrafast relaxation rate in the Weyl semimetal phase of MoTe2 measured by time-and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Crepaldi, G. Autès, G. Gatti, S. Roth, A. Sterzi, G. Manzoni, M. Zacchigna, C. Cacho, R.T. Chapman, E. Springate, E.A. Seddon, P. Bugnon, A. Magrez, H. Berger, I. Vobornik, M. Kalläne, A. Quer, K. Rossnagel, F. Parmigiani, O.V. Yazyev and M. Grioni
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Nature Materials, 17, 21-28, (2017)
Ubiquitous formation of bulk Dirac cones and topological surface states from a single orbital manifold in transition-metal dichalcogenides
M.S. Bahramy, O.J. Clark, B.-J. Yang, J. Feng, L. Bawden, J.M. Riley, I. Marković, F. Mazzola, V. Sunko, D. Biswas, S.P. Cooil, M. Jorge, J.W. Wells, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, J.E. Rault, T. K. Kim, M. Hoesch, K. Okawa, M. Asakawa, T. Sasagawa, T. Eknapakul, W. Meevasana and P.D.C. King
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Phys. Rev. B, 96, 165149, (2017)
Temperature-independent band structure of WTe2 as observed from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
S. Thirupathaiah, R. Jha, B. Pal, J.S. Matias, P. Kumar Das, I. Vobornik, R.A. Ribeiro and D.D. Sarma
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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 29364, (2017)
Spectroscopic identification of the chemical interplay between defects and dopants in Al-doped ZnO
S. Benedetti, I. Valenti, A. di Bona, G. Vinai, C. Castan-Guerrero, S. Valeri, A. Catellani, A. Ruini, P. Torelli and A. Calzolari
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J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 903, 012061, (2017)
Influence of Mn diffusion on IrMn thickness threshold for the onset of exchange bias in IrMn/Co bilayers
G. Vinai, L. Frangou, C. Castan-Guerrero, V. Bonanni, B. Gobaut, S. Auffret, I.L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, V. Baltz and P. Torelli
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Chemical Physics Letters, 683. 135, (2017)
Time resolved resonant photoemission study of energy level alignment at donor/acceptor interfaces
R. Costantini, T. Pincelli, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, A. Goldoni, S. Cichoň, M. Caputo, M.Pedio, G. Panaccione, M.G. Silly, F. Sirotti, A. Morgante, M. Dell'Angela
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Catal. Sci. Technol., 7, 4162, (2017)
The effect of surface chemistry on the performances of Pd-based catalysts supported on activated carbons
A. Lazzarini, R. Pellegrini, A. Piovano, S. Rudić, C. Castan-Guerrero, P. Torelli, M.R. Chierotti, R. Gobetto, C. Lamberti and E. Groppo
Our Research
Nature Communications, 8, 16051, (2017)
Quantifying the critical thickness of electron hybridization in spintronics materials
T. Pincelli, V. Lollobrigida, F. Borgatti, A. Regoutz, B. Gobaut, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, D.J. Payne, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, A.Y. Petrov, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, M. Cavallini, G. Vinai, R. Ciprian, C.H. Back, G. Rossi, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, G. van der Laan and G. Panaccione
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 026403, (2017)
Three-Dimensional Electronic Structure of the Type-II Weyl Semimetal WTe 2
D. Di Sante, P. Kumar Das, C. Bigi, Z. Ergönenc, N. Gürtler, J. A. Krieger, T. Schmitt, M.N. Ali, G. Rossi, R. Thomale, C. Franchini, S. Picozzi, J. Fujii, V.N. Strocov, G. Sangiovanni, I. Vobornik, R.J. Cava, and G. Panaccione
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J. Synchrotron Rad., 24, 750–756, (2017)
Very efficient spin polarization analysis (VESPA): new exchange scattering-based setup for spin- resolved ARPES at APE-NFFA beamline at Elettra
C. Bigi, P. K. Das, D. Benedetti, F. Salvador, D. Krizmancic, R. Sergo, A. Martin, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, J. Fujii and I. Vobornik
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ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 23099, (2017)
Role of Oxygen Deposition Pressure in the Formation of Ti Defect States in TiO2(001) Anatase Thin Films
B. Gobaut , P. Orgiani, A. Sambriet, E. di Gennaro, C. Aruta, F. Borgatti, V. Lollobrigida, D. Céolin, J.-P. Rueff, R. Ciancio, C. Bigi, P.K. Das, J. Fujii, D. Krizmancic, P. Torelli, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, F. Miletto Granozio, U. Scotti di Uccio, G. Panaccione
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Phys. Rev. B, 95, 241105(R), (2017)
MoTe2: An uncompensated semimetal with extremely large magnetoresistance
S. Thirupathaiah, R. Jha, B. Pal, J.S. Matias, P.K. Das, P.K. Sivakumar, I. Vobornik, N.C. Plumb, M. Shi, R.A. Ribeiro and D.D. Sarma
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Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 171601, (2017)
Structural and electronic properties of Bi2Se3 topological insulator thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition
P. Orgiani, C. Bigi, P. Kumar Das, J. Fujii, R. Ciancio, B. Gobaut, A. Galdi, C. Sacco, L. Maritato, P. Torelli, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, and G. Rossi
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Phys. Rev. B, 95, 041408(R), (2017)
Persistence of a surface state arc in the topologically trivial phase of MoTe2
A. Crepaldi, G. Autès, A. Sterzi, G. Manzoni, M. Zacchigna, F. Cilento, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Bugnon, A. Magrez, H. Berger, F. Parmigiani, O.V. Yazyev and M. Grioni
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Nature Communication Vol., 8, 13973, (2017)
Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2
J. Jiang, Z.K. Liu, Y. Sun, H.F. Yang, C.R. Rajamathi, Y.P. Qi, L.X. Yang, C. Chen, H. Peng, C.-C. Hwang, S.Z. Sun, S.-K. Mo, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, S.S.P. Parkin, C. Felser, B.H. Yan and Y.L. Chen
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J. Synchrotron Rad., 24, 175-187, (2017)
Performance of photoelectron spin polarimeters with continuous and pulsed sources: from storage rings to free electron lasers
T. Pincelli, F. Grasselli, V.N. Petrov, P. Torelli and G. Rossi
NFFA Thesis
University of Milan PhD Thesis, (2017)
Probing electron correlation dynamics: a multi-technique study applied to the half-metallic oxide La3-xSrxMnO5
T. Pincelli (Supervisor: G. Rossi)
Our Research
Phys. Rev. B, 94, 241114, (2016)
Hidden spin polarization in nonmagnetic centrosymmetric BaNiS2 crystal: Signatures from first principles
J. Sławinska, A. Narayan and S. Picozzi
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Phys. Rev. B, 94, 235140, (2016)
Bulk and surface electronic structure of hexagonal structured PtBi2 studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Q. Yao, Y.P. Du, X.J. Yang, Y. Zheng, D.F. Xu, X.H. Niu, X.P. Shen, H.F. Yang, P. Dudin, T.K. Kim, M. Hoesch, I. Vobornik, Z.-A. Xu, X.G. Wan, D.L. Feng and D.W. Shen
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Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 237601, (2016)
Evidence for a Strong Topological Insulator Phase in ZrTe5
G. Manzoni, L. Gragnaniello, G. Autès, T. Kuhn, A. Sterzi, F. Cilento, M. Zacchigna, V. Enenkel, I. Vobornik, L. Barba, F. Bisti, P. Bugnon, A. Magrez, V.N. Strocov, H. Berger, O.V. Yazyev, M. Fonin, F. Parmigiani and A. Crepaldi
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Phys. Rev. B, 94, 075141, (2016)
Electronic structure of the chiral helimagnet and 3d-intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide Cr1/3NbS2
N. Sirica, S.-K. Mo, F. Bondino, I. Pis, S. Nappini, P. Vilmercati, J. Yi, Z. Gai, P.C. Snijders, P.K. Das, I. Vobornik, N. Ghimire, M.R. Koehler, L. Li, D. Sapkota, D.S. Parker, D.G. Mandrus and N. Mannella
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Nano Lett., 16, 3409, (2016)
Manipulating the Topological Interface by Molecular Adsorbates: Adsorption of Co-Phthalocyanine on Bi2Se3
M. Caputo, M. Panighel, S. Lisi, L. Khalil, G. Di Santo, E. Papalazarou, A. Hruban, M. Konczykowski, L. Krusin-Elbaum, Z.S. Aliev, M.B. Babanly, M.M. Otrokov, A. Politano, E.V. Chulkov, Andrés Arnau, V. Marinova, P.K. Das, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, L. Perfetti, A. Mugarza, A. Goldoni, M. Marsi
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Rev. Sci Instrum., 87, 035111, (2016)
Design and optimization of a modular setup for measurements of three-dimensional spin polarization with ultrafast pulsed sources
T. Pincelli, V.N. Petrov, G. Brajnik, R. Ciprian, V. Lollobrigida, P. Torelli, D. Krizmancic, F. Salvador, A. De Luisa, R. Sergo, A. Gubertini, G. Cautero, S. Carrato, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
Our Research
Nat. Commun., 7, 10847, (2016)
Layer-dependent quantum cooperation of electron and hole states in the anomalous semimetal WTe2
P. K. Das, D. Di Sante, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, T. Okuda, E. Bruyer, A. Gyenis, B.E. Feldman, J. Tao, R. Ciancio, G. Rossi, M.N. Ali, S. Picozzi, A. Yadzani, G. Panaccione and R.J. Cava
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AIP Advances, 5, 127128, (2015)
Magnetoresistance of galfenol-based magnetic tunnel junction
B. Gobaut, G. Vinai, C. Castan-Guerrero, D. Krizmancic, H. Rafaqat, S. Roddaro, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, M. Eddrief, M. Marangolo, and P. Torelli
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NFFA Thesis
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Master's Thesis, (2014)
Towards Spin-resolved/Time-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy at the fs time scale: construction and commissioning of the ULTRASPIN apparatus
T. Pincelli (Supervisors: S. Valeri, G. Rossi)