
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 33, 8540–8548, (2024)
La0.2Sr0.25Ca0.45TiO3 Surface Reactivity with H2: A Combined Operando NEXAFS and Computational Study
F. Bassato, S. Mauri, L. Braglia, A.Y. Petrov, E. Dobovičnik, F. Tavani, A. Tofoni, P. Ferrer, D. Grinter, G. Held, P. D’Angelo, P. Torelli
Our Research
Small, 2403028, (2024)
Low-Temperature Methane Activation Reaction Pathways over Mechanochemically-Generated Ce4+/Cu+ Interfacial Sites
S. Mauri, R. Calligaro, C.F. Pauletti, M. Farnesi Camellone, M. Boaro, L. Braglia, S. Fabris, S. Piccinin, P. Torelli, A. Trovarelli
Involved NFFA techniques:
Ambient pressure XAS @ APE-HE, SEM
Our Research
Nanoscale, (2024)
On the origin of the improved hydrogen evolution reaction in Mn- and Co-doped MoS2
P. Orgiani, L. Braglia, V. Polewczyk, Z. Nie, F. Lavini, S. Punathum Chalil, S.K. Chaluvadi, P. Rajak, F. Morabito, E. Dobovičnik, V. Foglietti, P. Torelli, E. Riedo, R. Ciancio, N. Yang, C. Aruta
Involved NFFA techniques:
Our Research
Phys. Rev. B, 109, 064411, (2024)
Relevance of thermal disorder in the electronic and spin ultrafast dynamics of iron in the low-perturbation regime
G.M. Pierantozzi, A. De Vita, R. Cucini, A.M. Finardi, T. Pincelli, F. Sirotti, J. Fujii, C. Dri, G. Brajnik, R. Sergo, G. Cautero, G. Panaccione, and G. Rossi
Our Research
Nano Lett., 24, 5, 1487–1493, (2024)
Evidence of Temperature-Dependent Interplay between Spin and Orbital Moment in van der Waals Ferromagnet VI3
A. De Vita, R. Sant, V. Polewczyk, G. van der Laan, N.B. Brookes, T. Kong, R.J. Cava, G. Rossi, G. Vinai, and G. Panaccione
Our Research
Adv. Funct. Mat., 2301056, (2023)
Formation and Etching of the Insulating Sr-Rich V5+ Phase at the Metallic SrVO3 Surface Revealed by Operando XAS Spectroscopy Characterizations
V. Polewczyk, M. Mezhoud, M. Rath, O. El-Khaloufi, F. Bassato, A. Fouchet, W. Prellier, M. Frégnaux, D. Aureau, L. Braglia, G. Vinai, P. Torelli, U. Lüders
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 5, 1334–1342, (2023)
Hydrogen Production Mechanism in Low-Temperature Methanol Decomposition Catalyzed by Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compound: A Combined Operando and Density Functional Theory Investigation
S. Mauri, G. D’Olimpio, C. Ghica, L. Braglia, C.-N. Kuo, M.C. Istrate, C.S. Lue, L. Ottaviano, T. Klimczuk, D.W. Boukhvalov, A. Politano, and P. Torelli
Our Research
ACS Omega, (2022)
Electronic Properties of Fully Strained La1–xSrxMnO3 Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.45)
S.K. Chaluvadi, V. Polewczyk, A.Y. Petrov, G. Vinai, L. Braglia, J.M. Diez, V. Pierron, P. Perna, L. Mechin, P. Torelli, and P. Orgiani
Involved NFFA techniques:
Our Research
PNAS, 119(4), e2116575119, (2022)
Evidence of magnetism-induced topological protection in the axion insulator candidate EuSn2P2
G.M. Pierantozzi, A. De Vita, C. Bigi, X. Gui, H.-J. Tien, D. Mondal, F. Mazzola, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, G. Vinai, A. Sala, C. Africh, T.-L. Lee, G. Rossi, T.-R. Chang, W. Xie, R.J. Cava and G. Panaccione
Involved NFFA technique:
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 9182–9187, (2021)
Catching the Reversible Formation and Reactivity of Surface Defective Sites in Metal–Organic Frameworks: An Operando Ambient Pressure-NEXAFS Investigation
L. Braglia, F. Tavani, S. Mauri, R. Edla, D. Krizmancic, A. Tofoni, V. Colombo, P. D’Angelo, and P. Torelli
Involved NFFA technique:
Ambient pressure XAS @ APE-HE
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 14430–14437, (2021)
Evidence of Robust Half-Metallicity in Strained Manganite Films
G.M. Pierantozzi, G. Vinai, A.Y. Petrov, A. De Vita, F. Motti, V. Polewczyk, D. Mondal, T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, C. Bigi, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Torelli, F. Offi, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and F. Borgatti
Our Research
Phys. Rev. Materials, 4, 025801, (2020)
Distinct behavior of localized and delocalized carriers in anatase TiO2 (001) during reaction with O2
C. Bigi, Z. Tang, G.M. Pierantozzi, P. Orgiani, P. K. Das, J. Fujii, I. Vobornik, T. Pincelli, A. Troglia, T.-L. Lee, R. Ciancio, G. Drazic, A. Verdini, A. Regoutz, P.D.C. King, D. Biswas, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and A. Selloni
Involved NFFA techniques:
Our Research
Struct. Dyn., 7, 014303, (2020)
Coherent narrowband light source for ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy in the 17–31 eV photon energy range
R. Cucini, T. Pincelli, G. Panaccione, D. Kopic, F. Frassetto, P. Miotti, G.M. Pierantozzi, S. Peli, A. Fondacaro, A. De Luisa, A. De Vita, P. Carrara, D. Krizmancic, D.T. Payne, F. Salvador, A. Sterzi, L. Poletto, F. Parmigiani, G. Rossi, and F. Cilento
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. C., 123, 24511-24519, (2019)
Study of Gaseous Interactions on Co3O4 Thin Film Coatings by Ambient Pressure Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
R. Edla, L. Braglia, V. Bonanni, A. Miotello, G. Rossi, P. Torelli
Involved NFFA techniques:
Ambient pressure XAS @ APE-HE, PLD
Our Research
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 045118, (2019)
Transient quantum isolation and critical behavior in the magnetization dynamics of half-metallic manganites
T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, A. Verna, F. Borgatti, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, H. Osawa, T.-L. Lee, C. Schlueter, S. Günther, C.H. Back, M. Dell’Angela, R. Ciprian, P. Orgiani, A. Petrov, F. Sirotti, V.A. Dediu, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, Y. Tanaka, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, J. Fujii, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
Involved NFFA technique:
Our Research
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 054101, (2018)
A reaction cell for ambient pressure soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
C. Castán-Guerrero, D. Krizmancic, V. Bonanni, R. Edla, A. Deluisa, F. Salvador, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and P. Torelli
Involved NFFA technique:
Ambient pressure XAS @ APE-HE
Our Research
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 903, 012061, (2017)
Influence of Mn diffusion on IrMn thickness threshold for the onset of exchange bias in IrMn/Co bilayers
G. Vinai, L. Frangou, C. Castan-Guerrero, V. Bonanni, B. Gobaut, S. Auffret, I.L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, V. Baltz and P. Torelli
Involved NFFA technique:
Our Research
Nature Communications, 8, 16051, (2017)
Quantifying the critical thickness of electron hybridization in spintronics materials
T. Pincelli, V. Lollobrigida, F. Borgatti, A. Regoutz, B. Gobaut, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, D.J. Payne, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, A.Y. Petrov, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, M. Cavallini, G. Vinai, R. Ciprian, C.H. Back, G. Rossi, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, G. van der Laan and G. Panaccione
Involved NFFA techniques:
Our Research
J. Synchrotron Rad., 24, 175-187, (2017)
Performance of photoelectron spin polarimeters with continuous and pulsed sources: from storage rings to free electron lasers
T. Pincelli, F. Grasselli, V.N. Petrov, P. Torelli and G. Rossi
Our Research
Rev. Sci Instrum., 87, 035111, (2016)
Design and optimization of a modular setup for measurements of three-dimensional spin polarization with ultrafast pulsed sources
T. Pincelli, V.N. Petrov, G. Brajnik, R. Ciprian, V. Lollobrigida, P. Torelli, D. Krizmancic, F. Salvador, A. De Luisa, R. Sergo, A. Gubertini, G. Cautero, S. Carrato, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
Our Research
AIP Advances, 5, 127128, (2015)
Magnetoresistance of galfenol-based magnetic tunnel junction
B. Gobaut, G. Vinai, C. Castan-Guerrero, D. Krizmancic, H. Rafaqat, S. Roddaro, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, M. Eddrief, M. Marangolo, and P. Torelli
Involved NFFA techniques: