
Our Research
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 33, 8540–8548, (2024)
La0.2Sr0.25Ca0.45TiO3 Surface Reactivity with H2: A Combined Operando NEXAFS and Computational Study
F. Bassato, S. Mauri, L. Braglia, A.Y. Petrov, E. Dobovičnik, F. Tavani, A. Tofoni, P. Ferrer, D. Grinter, G. Held, P. D’Angelo, P. Torelli
Our Research
Nano Lett., 24(25):7601-7608, (2024)
Uncovering the Lowest Thickness Limit for Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Cr1.6Te2
S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, A. Jana, D. Dagur, G. Vinai, F. Motti, J. Fujii, M. Mezhoud, U. Lüders, V. Polewczyk, I. Vobornik, G. Rossi, C. Bigi, Y. Hwang, T. Olsen, P. Orgiani, F. Mazzola
Our Research
Nanoscale, (2024)
On the origin of the improved hydrogen evolution reaction in Mn- and Co-doped MoS2
P. Orgiani, L. Braglia, V. Polewczyk, Z. Nie, F. Lavini, S. Punathum Chalil, S.K. Chaluvadi, P. Rajak, F. Morabito, E. Dobovičnik, V. Foglietti, P. Torelli, E. Riedo, R. Ciancio, N. Yang, C. Aruta
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Nature, 626, 752–758, (2024)
Signatures of a surface spin–orbital chiral metal
F. Mazzola, W. Brzezicki, M.T. Mercaldo, A. Guarino, C. Bigi, J.A. Miwa, D. De Fazio, A. Crepaldi, J. Fujii, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, G. Panaccione, A. Jana, V. Polewczyk, I. Vobornik, C. Kim, F. Miletto-Granozio, R. Fittipaldi, C. Ortix, M. Cuoco & A. Vecchione
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Condens. Matter, 8(2), 40, (2023)
Investigating the Intrinsic Anisotropy of VO2(101) Thin Films Using Linearly Polarized Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy
A. D’Elia, V. Polewczyk, A.Y. Petrov, L. Li, C. Zou, J. Rezvani and A. Marcelli
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Sci. Rep., 13, 3882, (2023)
Nd:YAG infrared laser as a viable alternative to excimer laser: YBCO case study
S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, F. Mazzola, S. Dolabella, P. Rajak, M. Ferrara, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi & P. Orgiani
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Rev. Sci. Instr., 94, 033903, (2023)
Dual pulsed laser deposition system for the growth of complex materials and heterostructures
P. Orgiani, S.K. Chaluvadi, S. Punathum Chalil, F. Mazzola, A. Jana, S. Dolabella, P. Rajak, M. Ferrara, D. Benedetti, A. Fondacaro, F. Salvador, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, I. Vobornik, and G. Rossi
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Appl. Surf. Sci., 610, 155462, (2023)
Chemical, structural and electronic properties of ultrathin V2O3 films on Al2O3 substrate: Implications in Mott-like transitions
V. Polewczyk, S.K. Chaluvadi, D. Dagur, F. Mazzola, S. Punathum Chalil, A.Y. Petrov, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, G. Vinai, P. Torelli
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Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2201337, (2022)
Visible Light Effects on Photostrictive/Magnetostrictive PMN-PT/Ni Heterostructure
D. Dagur, V. Polewczyk, A.Y. Petrov, P. Carrara, M. Brioschi, S. Fiori, R. Cucini, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, P. Torelli, G. Vinai
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ACS Omega, (2022)
Electronic Properties of Fully Strained La1–xSrxMnO3 Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.45)
S.K. Chaluvadi, V. Polewczyk, A.Y. Petrov, G. Vinai, L. Braglia, J.M. Diez, V. Pierron, P. Perna, L. Mechin, P. Torelli, and P. Orgiani
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 5, 104403, (2021)
Identification of hidden orbital contributions in the La0.65Sr0.35MnO3 valence band
F. Offi, K. Yamauchi, S. Picozzi, V. Lollobrigida, A. Verna, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, A. Regoutz, D. J. Payne, A. Petrov, G. Vinai, G. M. Pierantozzi, T. Pincelli, G. Panaccione, and F. Borgatti
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J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 14430–14437, (2021)
Evidence of Robust Half-Metallicity in Strained Manganite Films
G.M. Pierantozzi, G. Vinai, A.Y. Petrov, A. De Vita, F. Motti, V. Polewczyk, D. Mondal, T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, C. Bigi, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Torelli, F. Offi, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and F. Borgatti
Our Research
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 515, 167257, (2020)
Thermal assisted tailoring of magnetic coercivity in Iron thin films on unstable Lithium Niobate substrate
V. Polewczyk, G. Vinai, F. Motti, S. Santhosh, S. Benedetti, G. Rossi, P. Torelli
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Phys. Rev. Materials, 4, 114418, (2020)
Interplay between morphology and magnetoelectric coupling in Fe/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures studied by microscopy techniques
F. Motti, G. Vinai, V. Bonanni, V. Polewczyk, P. Mantegazza, T. Forrest, F. Maccherozzi, S. Benedetti, C. Rinaldi, M. Cantoni, D. Cassese, S. Prato, S.S. Dhesi, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and P. Torelli
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., 91, 085109, (2020)
An integrated ultra-high vacuum apparatus for growth and in situ characterization of complex materials
G. Vinai, F. Motti, A.Yu. Petrov, V. Polewczyk, V. Bonanni, R. Edla, B. Gobaut, J. Fujii, F. Suran, D. Benedetti, F. Salvador, A. Fondacaro, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, B.A. Davidson and P. Torelli
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J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 507, 166816, (2020)
Original design of a patterned multiferroic heterostructure for electrical control of the magnetic shape anisotropy
V. Polewczyk, G. Vinai, F. Motti, S. Dal Zilio, P. Capaldo, M. Sygletou, S. Benedetti, G. Rossi, P. Torelli
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J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 17783–17794, (2020)
Ga2Se3 Nanowires via Au-Assisted Heterovalent Exchange Reaction on GaAs
F. Berto, N. Haghighian, K. Ferfolja, S. Gardonio, M. Fanetti, F. Martelli, V. Mussi, V.G. Dubrovskii, I.V. Shtrom, A. Franciosi, and S. Rubini
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 37, 061209, (2019)
Transparent conductive oxide-based architectures for the electrical modulation of the optical response: A spectroscopic ellipsometry study
M. Sygletou, F. Bisio, S. Benedetti, P. Torelli, A. di Bona, A. Petrov, and M. Canepa
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Phys. Rev. B, 100, 045118, (2019)
Transient quantum isolation and critical behavior in the magnetization dynamics of half-metallic manganites
T. Pincelli, R. Cucini, A. Verna, F. Borgatti, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, H. Osawa, T.-L. Lee, C. Schlueter, S. Günther, C.H. Back, M. Dell’Angela, R. Ciprian, P. Orgiani, A. Petrov, F. Sirotti, V.A. Dediu, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, Y. Tanaka, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, J. Fujii, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
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Adv. Electron. Mater., 7, 1900150, (2019)
Reversible Modification of Ferromagnetism through Electrically Controlled Morphology
G. Vinai, F. Motti, V. Bonanni, A. Petrov, S. Benedetti, C. Rinaldi, M. Stella, D. Cassese, S. Prato, M. Cantoni, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, P. Torelli
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NFFA Thesis
University of Milan PhD Thesis, (2019)
Strain-mediated magneto electric coupling and beyond: case studies by in-operando spectroscopy
F. Motti (Supervisor: G. Rossi)
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Appl. Phys. Lett., 113, 052403, (2018)
Room temperature biaxial magnetic anisotropy in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films on SrTiO3 buffered MgO (001) substrates for spintronic applications
S.K. Chaluvadi, F. Ajejas, P. Orgiani, O. Rousseau, G. Vinai, A. Petrov, P. Torelli, A. Pautrat, J. Camarero, P. Perna, and L. Mechin
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Phys. Rev. B, 97, 094423, (2018)
Strain-induced magnetization control in an oxide multiferroic heterostructure
F. Motti, G. Vinai, A. Petrov, Bruce A. Davidson, B. Gobaut, A. Filippetti, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, and P. Torelli
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Nature Communications, 8, 16051, (2017)
Quantifying the critical thickness of electron hybridization in spintronics materials
T. Pincelli, V. Lollobrigida, F. Borgatti, A. Regoutz, B. Gobaut, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, D.J. Payne, M. Oura, K. Tamasaku, A.Y. Petrov, P. Graziosi, F. Miletto Granozio, M. Cavallini, G. Vinai, R. Ciprian, C.H. Back, G. Rossi, M. Taguchi, H. Daimon, G. van der Laan and G. Panaccione
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J. Synchrotron Rad., 24, 175-187, (2017)
Performance of photoelectron spin polarimeters with continuous and pulsed sources: from storage rings to free electron lasers
T. Pincelli, F. Grasselli, V.N. Petrov, P. Torelli and G. Rossi
Our Research
Rev. Sci Instrum., 87, 035111, (2016)
Design and optimization of a modular setup for measurements of three-dimensional spin polarization with ultrafast pulsed sources
T. Pincelli, V.N. Petrov, G. Brajnik, R. Ciprian, V. Lollobrigida, P. Torelli, D. Krizmancic, F. Salvador, A. De Luisa, R. Sergo, A. Gubertini, G. Cautero, S. Carrato, G. Rossi, and G. Panaccione
Our Research
APL Mater., 3, 116107, (2015)
Unraveling the magnetic properties of BiFe0.5Cr0.5O3 thin films
G. Vinai, A. Khare, D. S. Rana, E. Di Gennaro, B. Gobaut, R. Moroni, A. Petrov, U. Scotti di Uccio, G. Rossi, F. Miletto Granozio, G. Panaccione, and P. Torelli
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